“70 for 70” Runs June 13 – August 21, 2024: Suggest a Good Deed for One of Those Days!

“70 for 70” Runs June 13 – August 21, 2024: Suggest a Good Deed for One of Those Days!

Born in 1954, I turned 60 in 2014. For the “ramp up” to my 60th birthday, I decided to borrow an idea I had seen from other bloggers, which was to be inspired each day of the 60 days prior to my 60th birthday to do some good deed, whether acknowledged or not. I LOVED it and did write about it and post the summary here after my birthday, August 22.

So, since I’m turning 70 this August 22, I plan to start on June 13 with “70 for 70.” I have a VERY low income, so most day’s deeds must involve little to no expenditure of funds.

I now live in Seattle, if that’s relevant to anyone’s suggestions. I do not have a car any longer, BTW, but public transportation here is great, and I do get around just fine.

If you’d like to weigh in on these 70 days’ deeds by suggesting some or commenting on any, please do! Send suggestions to me directly by email or on my contact page on this site: https://www.sallyember.com and write comments on my weekly blog posts or on the summary page.

[The photo depicts the reason I moved this past February from St. Louis, Missouri, to Seattle, Washington: to live so much closer to my son, his wife and their daughter, my first (and probably only) grandchild! What a treasure! She is now over one year old!]

If any of you decides to do something similar for your birthday or some other occasion, put a link to your lists/activities summary in the comments as well.

May all beings benefit. Best to you all.

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