“70 for 70”: Weekly Report One

“70 for 70”: Weekly Report One

On June 13, as some of you know, I embarked on my “70 for 70” activities on the ramp-up to my 70th birthday, so this is my first Weekly Report on those activities. I hope you’re considering doing something similar or supporting what I do by leaving comments, encouragement, applause…. If you want to send money, use PayPay and I’ll donate it. The button is on my cover page of this blog: http://www.sallyember.com

May all beings benefit.

June 13
My housemate is a single mom with two daughters, 9 and almost 11. They know about my project and wanted to get involved, so when I picked up the girls from school today, we agreed to go to the local supermarket parking lot and help put away stray shopping carts, then I would buy them each a small treat for their after-school snacks. We found three shopping carts and put them away. We also found one locked (immobilized so no one can take it off the premises) and reported it to the security guard, who told us “Thank You” as we were leaving and reported that the shopping cart had been unlocked and put back in the carrel. SUCCESS!
I also drove their visiting grandmother (about 8 years older than I am) to the dentist and picked her up after a 3.5-hour procedure. She was very grateful.

June 14
The older daughter of the woman I live with (Mom is away at a wedding this weekend) inadvertently left her homework packet at school and was upset that she couldn’t finish it and turn it in (school ends next week, so this was the last day of acceptance of homework). Her grandmother suggested that I (as an EdD) write her a “doctor’s note,” explaining this student’s unusual circumstances and asking for extra time and/or support for her forgetfulness so she could finish the work without penalty. I was happy to do that. Daughter approved the letter and was delighted; brought the note to school. When we picked her up, she reported that her teacher had been absent that day. We all laughed.

June 15
Planned and led my Buddhist sangha’s weekly Zoom meeting. Very enjoyable, too.

June 16
Doing research for my trauma work with my wonderful new acupuncturist and plan to share it with him this coming week. I know he’ll appreciate it. Also sent an email to another acupuncturist who blogged about already being experienced in doing trauma work via acupuncture to see if she has any tips, advice, suggestions.
Took my housemate’s mother to the local high school pool this morning to go lap swimming with me and lent her a $1 and quarter for her $4.50 fee and the locker (had to have exact change). She really enjoyed the swim and I was glad she could come.

June 17
Gave up my seat on the bus to a woman with many more packages than I had (the bus was filled), since all I had was a backpack and one more stop to go. Is that a good deed, or merely good manners?

June 18
Encouraged each of my ride share drivers today in their pursuit of their meditation and spiritual/personal growth, tailored to what they told me and what they asked about. Very fun conversations, both, and they both thanked me a lot.

June 19
On this beautiful Seattle day in June, I was able to go swimming at the gym I belong to for free (with my health insurance plan) and ride the bus both ways easily. On the bus going to the gym, a wheelchair-bound rider was about to get on, but the seats he needed to be raised to make space for this chair weren’t raised. I raised them. Then, we talked about the (currently) great weather, the recent improvements in access on public transportation, and how we both liked Seattle.

On to Week 2 of “70 for 70” tomorrow.

If you do any “good deeds” or want to suggest any for me, please comment on this post.

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