Famous Writers’ Insults

AND, if you’d like to know more about the quirky sense of humor, writings and covers of Nicholas Rossis, check out our hour on *CHANGES* conversations between authors, Episode 7 (one of the most popular already!), or other Episodes here: http://goo.gl/qdKiGb
#Authors, learn more about and get yourself on or #Readers, recommend an #author to be scheduled as a guest: *CHANGES* G+ HOA  https://sallyember.com/changes-videocasts-by-sally-ember-ed-d/

Nicholas C. Rossis

I often say that my favorite thing about my writing journey is how helpful everyone’s been. I’ve met some wonderful people, eager to support and encourage others.

That’s not always been the case, though. Indeed, when authors get mean, the results can be spectacular, as the infographic below by Amy Cowen, found at her AussieWriter blog, shows:From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

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